qPCR Assay Development and eDNA Testing
An environmental consulting company approached Pisces Molecular in early 2020 with a significant challenge for a lab of our small…
Environmental DNA sample collection
While the basic requirements of environmental DNA (eDNA) sample collection are simple – pass water (or air) through a micron…
Plasmid-based qPCR positive controls
Over time, qPCR assays have steadily superseded PCR assays, both for their ability to provide quantitation of target copy number,…
“Instant” temporal studies from archived
Right from Pisces’ beginning we have archived all sample DNA extracts. Our typical spin-column DNA extraction procedure gives a final…
Testing multi-worm samples of Tubifex
As a part of their work on Trout Whirling Disease, Beauchamp, et al. determined that there were four sub-species or…
Skin swab pooling for chytrid testing
In the early days of chytrid fungus testing (ca. 2007), there was a need for relatively large-scale screening of locations…
Improving a Freshwater Seal qPCR Assay
In this project we modified an existing qPCR assay for Freshwater Seals, Phoca vitulina mellonae used for phylogenetic studies of…
Greenback Cutthroat Trout in Colorado
Pisces played an important role in the discovery and reestablishment of Greenback Cutthroat trout in Colorado. The story of the…
Determining Paternity and Sex in Komodo
In 2019, herpetologists from the Chattanooga Zoo in Tennessee contacted Pisces with an interesting question. Their female Komodo Dragon (Varanus…
Conservation of a Critically Imperiled F
Most people have never heard of the unassuming hornyhead chub (Nocomis biguttatus), let alone worried about its conservation status. On…
Projects 4