Category Archives: Sample Collection Supplies

Environmental DNA collection filter (MilliporeSigma Swinnex®)

Sample Collection Supplies eDNA collection filter (MilliporeSigma Swinnex®) $21.00 MilliporeSigma Swinnex® filter holder pre-loaded with 25 mm diameter, 5 μm pore-size nylon mesh filter. Other pore sizes may be available for your needs; please inquire at Price is per unit; can be ordered in any number. Email us at to order.
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Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer, 5 ml or 10 ml aliquot

Sample Collection Supplies Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer, 5 ml or 10 ml aliquot $3.25 A pre-measured 5 ml or 10 ml aliquot of 100x Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer solution for preserving a plankton tow net sample. Can be ordered in any number. Specify desired volume when ordering (5 ml for a 500 ml tow net sample; 10…
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Whatman™ FTA™ Cards

Sample Collection Supplies Whatman™ FTA™ Cards $7.23 Whatman™ FTA™ Cards allow for easy collection, preservation, and shipping of blood, egg fluid, plant homogenate, etc. for DNA work. Can be ordered in any number. Contact us directly at to order.
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