
Ranavirus Genomic DNA PCR Control

PCR Controls Ranavirus genomic DNA PCR control $110.00 One tube of 100 µL total genomic DNA prepared from an ATV infected cell supernatant and resuspended in AE buffer (Qiagen), sufficient for 50 reactions at 2 µL/reaction. Ranavirus positive and Negative Controls PCR Results: *Positive and Negative Controls run in triplicate Ranavirus PCR positive control, 100…
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B. dendrobatidis genomic DNA PCR control

PCR Controls B. dendrobatidis genomic DNA PCR control $110 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis    (Chytrid fungus) One tube of 100 µL total genomic DNA prepared from B.d. strain JEL270                                             and resuspended in AE buffer (Qiagen), sufficient…
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